Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mapo Doufu/Mabo Tofu

Mapo Doufu, or Mabo Tofu as is known in Japanese, is when tofu is cooked with ground pork in a soy sauce based spicy sauce. It's fairly simple and quick to make, and it has enough flavor to sit on its own if you don't feel like making anything else with the meal. So far I've made two version of this, one with a pre-packaged sauce and one with my own sauce/seasoning blend.

Lazy life

I've neglected my blog for over a month. Shame. Since my trip to Bay Area I've been back and forth traveling places. I finally got to be with my kitty after I got back to SD last time! She's the most adorable cat ever. Very pretty and playful. A little stubborn and spoiled, though, because we love her too much.

I've been taking time away from this blog also because I started knitting & crocheting, mostly making cute toys. I will post some pictures later. I'm becoming an old lady with the cats and knitting. Oh well.

Summer is almost over. I'm currently in Hawaii on the second part of my tropical vacation (after cruise in the Bahamas with my boyfriend) with my family. Start of Pharmacy school is fast approaching, making me both excited and apprehensive. I'm optimistic, though, because we will make these four years awesome.