Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So it's 2014

Boy, have I neglected this tiny corner of the internet for a long time. In the blink of an eye, it's now 2014. And I'm about to graduate... Panic time.

So what happened in the interim from when I last left this blog to wither and now? Well, let's see, I finished my summer research and got it published, went to Oahu and Maui, managed to finish P3 year, survived for the most part grueling rotations, matched to a residency, and is due to graduate in 10 days...

I have a back log of photos going back to pretty much when I last updated this page, >1000 of which are from my last Hawaii trip. The other 1000 are of my cats and food... yeah, I need to get my life together.

Interestingly, even though I have neglected this piece of virtual real estate, the brave people of the interwebs have not. I was surprised to see there are some small trickle of page views on a more or less regular basis. Ironically, one of the most popular pages is personally one of my least favorite the recipe I had for Chinese Cucumber Salad. I had initially tossed it onto this page not expecting to generate traffic, but apparently it's a sought after item. That recipe needs serious updating. Maybe I will get to it after I deal with getting the rest of my life in order. If anyone ever tries my recipes please comment and give me some feedback.

I also have another trip to Hawaii in the works. I think I should be better at blogging about it this time but then again I say that every time.