Monday, March 7, 2011

This is getting out of hand

Since my crazy scattered life is colliding with my foodnessness, I'm transferring all my life-blog thingies over to my new life-blog:

This shall remain about food... but since my life is inextricably tied to food... it'll still have overlap, inevitably. Of course.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Neighborhood - Burgers Burgers Burgers... and Hanger

Neighborhood, a bar/restaurant thingy in Downtown San Diego. A few friends and I trekked down there last Friday night at approximately 7pm... We made the mistake of letting me drive... hungry... and sleep-deprived. I drove in a 4 block radius around our destination for a good half-hour to 45min trying to find some goddamn parking. We finally found a easily over-looked spot on what must have been the 1000908239853iueyt989th loop. Yay! Parking! By then I was effing starving, and was ready to shove as much edible objects in my face as humanly possible. Did I mention I have road rage?? Especially when I'm hungry? So yes, I was reasonably pissed, as one may say.