Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Neighborhood - Burgers Burgers Burgers... and Hanger

Neighborhood, a bar/restaurant thingy in Downtown San Diego. A few friends and I trekked down there last Friday night at approximately 7pm... We made the mistake of letting me drive... hungry... and sleep-deprived. I drove in a 4 block radius around our destination for a good half-hour to 45min trying to find some goddamn parking. We finally found a easily over-looked spot on what must have been the 1000908239853iueyt989th loop. Yay! Parking! By then I was effing starving, and was ready to shove as much edible objects in my face as humanly possible. Did I mention I have road rage?? Especially when I'm hungry? So yes, I was reasonably pissed, as one may say.

Anyway, we walk a short block to Neighborhood, ready to order some good fucking burgers (or so I was told)... only to be told the wait is possibly 1hr-1.5hrs. WHAT?! I NEVER wait that long for FOOD!!! FOOD I NEEDED FOOD!!!

* Disclaimer... the following is a short graphic dramatized depiction of events leading to the mass annihilation of delicious delicious burgers. Hunger supervision advised. *end disclaimer

To continue with my story, I was starving. And I mean STARVING.... like my stomach is becoming an angry blackhole where nothing comes out and everything goes in. Try to imagine that. Got the picture?? Ok, good. So there's one little problem about this whole situation, I was sleep-deprived and bitter because the Boy has been living in that decrepit cave of an engineering school all week, I had just gotten back from a long day standing at a counter to count countless pills, I was pissed from driving, and I was really realllly hungry. There's thing phenomenon, called Hanger... hunger + anger = hanger. A picture is worth a thousand words, or so I was told (maybe because I'm not very good at words), so I'm just gonna put a picture of what happened.


And then... from lack of energy due to lack of FOOD!!! ... I relapsed back to a pitiful child-like state where I'm really really hungry and no one is giving it to me! :( *sniffle sniffle*
And then... I was surrounded by perplexed friends who had no clue what to do with me.... really, what do you do when someone turn from a raging Hanger monster to a teeny sad starving african child?


After much ado about nothing we finally got seated, and that concludes the saga of Hanger... for now.

Now onto the actual review.

Really really really!!! good raspberry beer. Yes it's like alcoholic juice, with a lot of foam.

Rose wine. It was ok

I have no idea what this is. It wasn't mine.

I have no idea what this is either...

Sweet potato fries... it was gone in approximately 10^-9seconds... that's 1 nano second for those of you who don't know. Or 1/10^9 seconds... ok use your imagination.

I ordered Spicy Cajun Burger... it wasn't very spicy or very Cajun... but it was good.

So I ate it.

The 777 Burger.

The Neighborhood Burger.

Food: food was good!! It was pricy, ~$10 for a burger, $7 for beer. :( My wallet wasn't happy.
Services: slow, short, and curt. Not the greatest... where's my respect? No seriously, I know you're really busy but you can at leave give me more time than what I get from my doctor's office.
Wait: terrible!! ugh. Go when it's not so busy. And oh, they don't take reservations.
Overall: I think I would go back... but not on a Friday night...

Until next time!

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