Friday, February 18, 2011


Late night cravings... leads me to look at food pictures. While going over the pictures from my Hawaii trip this past summer, I remembered what an AMAZING place it was... for FRUIT!

Sometimes, I fancy that I would quit school, become a recluse, move to Hawaii and make a living by being a food photographer/blogger/cafe-owner and live off of fruit. In another life, perhaps...

... and yes, the boy is STILL lost in the black hole that is engineering building 2, now renamed SomeRichDonorWhateveBlahblahblah. He has not slept for over 40 hours. I am about to take a pile of cat poop, wrap it in spoiled bacon, and fling it at the engineering school.

I'd rather think about fruit. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT IS THAT SPIKY STUFF AT THE TOP?! I feel concerned and intrigued.
