Friday, July 27, 2012

I can never get my life together except for traveling

If only I have as much drive and motivation to get the rest of my life together, I'd be set... Except that never happens. Or maybe I just exhaust my much limited planning and organizational energy once a year when I plan, intensively, for my vacation to Hawaii.

The collective and much exhaustive effort of guidebook-reading, internet researching, hardcore planning... and here it is, activities scheduled, routes plotted, virtual location pin-pointed on Gmaps street view, restaurants yelped. If only I studied as hard for school as I studied the guidebooks... I'd probably be a lot farther in my knowledge of my chosen career. Alas, I elect to increase my knowledge of the sights, sounds, and of course, taste of Hawaii instead, who can blame me?

This is going to be an expensive trip, I can feel it already... and I'm already blowing my budget getting camera equipment and travel supplies... I'm too willing to part with my (non-existent) money lately.

With all these effort going into planning the trip, I really should be a better job at recording it afterwards... but yet again, I can't get my life together for that. I think I'm burnt out and is continuously getting dumber and slower. Yup, that must be it.

I really can't wait until September when I can actually go on this vacation. Seriously. And then I will probably need a vacation for the vacation. Just planning it is already making me exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean.
    I always start my year with the resolution to be more present in my everyday life (and not only in my travel/tourist life)... but then spring arrives and I'm already lost in the travel-guide section of my local bookstore...
