Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Guns, Cameras, Food, and State Parks 3

After leisurely making our way back from East County, we decided to hit up Torrey Pines State Park. A short 10-15min drive away from our apartment, just north of the UCSD campus, lies the home of the endangered species of trees. A sunset hike doubled as test photo session for the Olympus OM-D E-M5 micro four thirds camera that arrived in the mail the day before.

Living in San Diego, we sometimes take for granted of what the city has to offer. We forget that while to us, this is simply where we study and work and toil away our youth, that this is also frequently the vacation destination of countless others. And then we remind ourselves to be grateful that we live in such a blessed place.

Torrey Pines is both a popular tourist destination and a local favorite. The state park with its sandy bluffs has multiple hiking trails, with at least one leading directly down to the beach below.

Guns, Cameras, Food, and State Parks 2

Ahhh, Himalayan Cuisine. Located on El Cajon Blvd in La Mesa, it was quite a treat after a morning of gun blasting. The restaurant is quaintly decorated, and service was pretty prompt. We ordered one lunch combo with some sort of vegetable curry and chicken curry. We also ordered some sort of kofta, and a momo thing, which was similar to dumplings.

Guns, Cameras, Food, and State Parks 1

Back in June, when summer vacation first started, boyfriend an I went on a relaxing day of shooting, Himalayan food, and hiking, which also doubled as photo-session/testing out my Olympus OMD-EM5. That said, it really deserves to be broken up in parts, otherwise I may end up with a long post (longer than I have the endurance to type up all at once).

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brief Update/Change

Not that anyone cares, but I am officially changing this to both a food and travels blog. These two aspects have become increasingly tied together in the past few years that it makes no sense to separate them. Really, it should be food, travel, and photography, my three fondest hobbies. (Is travel even considered a hobby? More like just fun-times? Fun-times are quite arbitrary, I suppose... I digress.)

At any rate, I cannot churn out my photos fast enough and therefore cannot make blog posts!!! Ahhhh! Problem with taking hundreds of pictures per session is that I can never finish editing!

I really should be more on top of this, since if I don't document my experiences somehow, I am bound to forget things... which would be really a shame. My life is not together. What else is new?


On a totally unrelated note, since this summer has been unusually hot and humid, I see people hanging out on their balconies/patios more around the apartments. It's quite fascinating to people-watch sometimes... and slightly creepy, I suppose.... Ok, maybe just creepy... Who seriously will still say that humanity contributed global warming is not affecting the world climate?! I think my cats are so hot that their puny brains are melting... they've been dumber than usual. So adorable!