Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Guns, Cameras, Food, and State Parks 1

Back in June, when summer vacation first started, boyfriend an I went on a relaxing day of shooting, Himalayan food, and hiking, which also doubled as photo-session/testing out my Olympus OMD-EM5. That said, it really deserves to be broken up in parts, otherwise I may end up with a long post (longer than I have the endurance to type up all at once).

Although I'm rather familiar with shooting of the photography kind, I was a gun virgin up until that point. Having read yelp reviews on good beginner shooting ranges, we drove all the way to Discount Gun Mart in Santee to see what it's all about. We arrived at the store around 10:30-11am on a Saturday to avoid the crowds, although by the time we arrived there were already a few groups there. We were briefed on gun safety, procedures, how to use the weapon, and other seriously important things. For the weapon of choice, we got a glock 17 (whatever that means), picked our targets, and went our merry way to the back of the store where the range is located.

Although we had ear muffs, blasts from neighboring shooters was still startling, not surprising considering most other people there were more experienced. I realized just how little arm muscles I possess because despite the fact that the gun we chose was not that powerful, the kickbacks on the gun was more than I can easily control. And at one point, I'm pretty sure one of the empty shells flew back in my face... Projectiles and I have a bad history.

Apparently, unlike some other ranges, this place rents out the lane by day, not by the hour. You may stay as long as your ammo lasts, which wasn't that long for us. We left just around noon, and very hungry from the explosive adventure (harhar). Luckily, a very well reviewed Himalayan food restaurant was near by in La Mesa!

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