Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Little Shanghai Restaurant - San Mateo

So I'm terrible at updating this blog, although I've had quite some food adventures this summer with my vacations and all and taken a number of pictures. I'll try to get them up as soon as possible since school has started and I doubt I'll have much time to cook, post recipes, and try new places to review. Now is as good of a time as ever to wade through the loads of backlogs, even though I'm suppose to be paying attention to my lecture right now.

Over the summer, while I was in SF Bay Area visiting my mom and my grandmother, who came over to US for the summer, we went to a Shanghai restaurant in San Mateo. It's one of my mom's favorite restaurant, and understandably so, because it's one of the more authentic Chinese, particularly Shanghainess food we've found. They have weekend morning dim sum (Shanghai style), and has fairly extensive menu, of course, you'll know what to order, but isn't that the case with most ethnic cuisine?

Anyway, here are the food:

Dry cooked green beans. A typical dish that can be found in a lot of Chinese restaurants. It's basically stirfried without any water (normally vegetable produce water or has water added).

Claypot vegetable & cured pork rice. I think it was my favorite dish in this meal.

Duck soup. It's suppose to be really authentic, and I guess it is. My mom really likes it, but I don't really care for duck... so, it was alright. haha

Here it is close up.

Pork stuffed fried glutinous balls. Personally I think my mom make better versions of these.

And of course, desert: osmanthus glutinous rice balls soup. It was not too sweet, sort of light and very fragrant. I thought it was an awesome way to end the meal.

Overall, this is a family favorite in terms of Chinese restaurants. The waiters and waitresses pretty much knows my mom because she come in so much. I'm sure I'll be back here plenty more, in fact, I have a dim sum review for this place coming up. The reasonable prices, good quality and cleanliness of food, and fast service makes this a personal fav as well. Too bad there's no such restaurants in San Diego.

Little Shanghai Restaurant

17 E 25th Ave
San MateoCA 94403
(650) 573-7161

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