Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Summer 2010 - Cuban Cuisine in Key West

To continue with backlogging my summer foodventures, I have to admit, taking a cruise is probably one of the best and easiest ways to experience some wonderful food while doing absolutely no work (and come back several pounds heavier). Over the summer, I took a short 4-night cruise to the Bahamas. Best decision ever! Except maybe it could be longer, but who has that kind of money? Not me. I cruised Royal Caribbean because I've gone on their weekend Mexico cruise before and I remembered the food was absolutely wonderful. I don't take chances with my food. It's my vacation and the food better be a-fucking-mazing if it cost that much. After checking some review, it turned out to be one of the best cruise lines that sail in the region, so book it I did. Royal Caribbean, you delivered. The quality and selection of food was awesome. Sadly, I didn't really take many/any pictures of the ship's food because I was busy running around all over the place trying to see as much of each port as I could.. but that's just one more reason to sail again in the future. ;P

One of the highlights of my trip was in Key West. It was an amazing port of call overall, with its Cuban coffee, parasailing, Key lime pie, and quaint architecture, but the best part has got to be the Cuban food. O.M.G. Being so close to Cuba, it's no wonder that they have a great restaurant in town. Although I'm sure you'd very entertained by my nonsensical blabbering, I think I shall show you pictures of the food instead. Excuse the quality of the pictures... I had to use a crappy point-and-shoot because I didn't take my big and chunky DSLR with me. :(

Free appetizer bread and dipping salsa. The picture here doesn't do it justice. I think it was the best free bread + dipping I've had. Seriously. 

Really fucking strong mojito! I know I'm naturally a light-weight, but I can usually handle a drink or two before I'm good and gone. No so with this drink. I had maybe a couple of sips... and I was already red and spinning. My boy, the HES can vouch for me.

Jumbo shrimp with yucca and some really good salsa over it. So. Fucking. Delicious!!! Honestly, this dish is the reason why I started eating shrimp. I've never had shrimp so fresh and good in my entire. fucking, life. I know I'm swearing more than normal here but it's necessary for the emphasis. You can see how big the shrimps are in comparison with HES's hand, which inadvertently got caught on film. This is an appetizer, mind you. In case you don't know what a yucca is, like I didn't here's some light reading fyi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassava

Here comes the actual entrĂ©e, a sampler plate of sorts with three different meat, rice, beans, and fried plantains.

Some sort of shredded beef? I forget. It was good.

I think this was shredded pork. Also amazing. And fried plantains.

Ground beef. I forgot the name, adobada? It was my favorite. Omg... I'm salivating just thinking about it.

These pictures really doesn't capture the essence of these amazing foods. I'll really have to go back and eat here again someday... not anytime soon, probably. :( One appetizer, one entree later, I was seriously stuffed. And remember that mojito? After that one drink and walking around a bit more, I was feeling dizzy and slightly nauseated. How many shots did they put in that thing? It was totally worth it though. This little gem alone would bring me back to Key West. Definitely on my list of places to revisit.

El Meson De Pepe

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