Friday, August 19, 2011

NOLA food adventures

I really should do something about my chronic procrastination... really. It's been a while since my trip to New Orleans, to the point where I look at some of the pictures and I forget exactly what I ordered. Remembering back to the trip, NOLA was a magical place, with music in the air, intricate architecture, and smells of something delicious tempting your taste buds. No wonder Walt Disney modeled his world after it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hash House A Go Go

Long time no food blog. Life, mostly school, has gotten in the way of... well, living. Where did my hobbies go?? *wail in the corner* Dramatic-ism aside, I really did have some amazing food around the country in the past... well however long it's been, and the "reviews" (more like oodles of food-porn), I'm hoping, I will be able to get to soon.

To be honest, the purposes of these "reviews" aren't really reviews most of the time, it's just a way for me to remember the delishiousnessness I've had so that I may come back in some distant future and actually remember something of it (because I really don't remember much in life, honestly, I don't understand how I get through daily living).

Let's start with one place that has been a bit... well, disappointing. Hash House A Go Go in Hillcrest, SD. In the 4 years of undergrad I spent at UCSD, I've heard about this place from a lot of people, and was told it's awesomeness. However, seeing as we're walled in the monkhood of La Jolla studiousness (yeah right), we never had a chance to go. So when the opportunity arisen when a few pharm school friends decided to go try it, we gladly took up the offer of a weekend brunch in February (really forgot if it was Saturday or Sunday, the only reason I know the date is because of my camera time-stamp).

Monday, March 7, 2011

This is getting out of hand

Since my crazy scattered life is colliding with my foodnessness, I'm transferring all my life-blog thingies over to my new life-blog:

This shall remain about food... but since my life is inextricably tied to food... it'll still have overlap, inevitably. Of course.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Neighborhood - Burgers Burgers Burgers... and Hanger

Neighborhood, a bar/restaurant thingy in Downtown San Diego. A few friends and I trekked down there last Friday night at approximately 7pm... We made the mistake of letting me drive... hungry... and sleep-deprived. I drove in a 4 block radius around our destination for a good half-hour to 45min trying to find some goddamn parking. We finally found a easily over-looked spot on what must have been the 1000908239853iueyt989th loop. Yay! Parking! By then I was effing starving, and was ready to shove as much edible objects in my face as humanly possible. Did I mention I have road rage?? Especially when I'm hungry? So yes, I was reasonably pissed, as one may say.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Muzita Abyssinian Bistro

Finally, a food entry! Ok, long story short, last night for the boy's birthday, we went to have dinner at Muzita Abyssinian Bistro in University Heights. Best decision of the week. Food was amazing, service was amazing, ambiance was amazing. Despite the rain and difficulty in finding parking, it was an awesome night.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Late night cravings... leads me to look at food pictures. While going over the pictures from my Hawaii trip this past summer, I remembered what an AMAZING place it was... for FRUIT!

Sometimes, I fancy that I would quit school, become a recluse, move to Hawaii and make a living by being a food photographer/blogger/cafe-owner and live off of fruit. In another life, perhaps...

... and yes, the boy is STILL lost in the black hole that is engineering building 2, now renamed SomeRichDonorWhateveBlahblahblah. He has not slept for over 40 hours. I am about to take a pile of cat poop, wrap it in spoiled bacon, and fling it at the engineering school.

I'd rather think about fruit. Good night.