Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chinese Cucumber Salad

Another fast, simple, healthy fix. I've got not much to say about it except that not everyone may like the taste.

Here we go:

Dice up one whole cucumber and sprinkle with one teaspoon of sugar. I used an English cucumber here because it's juicier and sweeter than American cucumber. Costco has a 3-pack for some inexpensive amount of money.

For the vinegar, use Chinese dark vinegar. I'm particular about this specific brand (Gold Plum) because it taste better than the other ones,  it's an award-winning brand... and that I grew up with it. The city it originated from is near my hometown and my First Aunt lives there. Ha. Use about 1 tablespoonful.

Toss it all together, plate, and sprinkle with toasted sesames. Simple right? Easy dish in 3 steps using only 4 ingredients.

Chinese Cucumber Salad:

  • 1 cucumber, diced
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp dark vinegar
  • sprinkle of toasted sesame

1 comment:

  1. This looks super awesome, but what about the taste makes you think not everyone would like it? Is it really tart?
