Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ok, so I've been lagging on updates... mostly because I'm lazy... but also because we're in the process of adopting a rescued kitten! I had to work out the details, research how to take care of a cat since we've never had a pet before, get all the supplies, and set up the kitty corner in my apartment. On top of that, I'm now in the Bay Area to visit my family (my grandmother is here from China) for three weeks, but we won't even get the kitty until this Wednesday... which means: HES is going to have to pick it up from my friend (who rescued it), and take care it... and he has allergies. Oh dear. I hope it's going to work out.

Ironically, after I got back to Bay Area yesterday, my mom said I smelled like cats... which is weird because I haven't even gotten it yet!!! Not to mention I don't smell anything?! Maybe my nose is deadened from all the chemicals in Chem lab... oh the wonders of science.

Anyway, new post soon! I'll also be following, watching, and photography my mom cooking! Which will be awesome because I can never cook like her... maybe now I can. Or not.

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